Reference rate | 21.00 zł (2025-02-21) |
Starting date | 2025-01-31 |
End date | 2025-02-21 |
Minimum | 17.62 zł (2025-02-03) |
Maximum | 21.90 zł (2025-02-17) |
Average | 19.93 zł |
Trading volume | 4.2 mln |
Average volume | 138.7 tys. |
Turnover | 82.2 mln zł |
Average turnover | 2.7 mln zł |
The above table is an extract from investment recommendations prepared by brokerage houses and cannot be construed as an element of any invitation or offer to sell any securities, or an incentive to make an investment, carry out a transaction or submit an offer to purchase such securities, or a recommendation to enter into any transaction, involving in particular the company’s securities. AUTO PARTNER S.A. shall not be held liable for the consequences of any decisions made in reliance on information contained herein.